Reaching the world... one blog at a time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Audio Sermon Archive

Okay, it's been awhile... again. Maybe I can at least post here annually.

A link:

This is an MP3 audio archive of Sunday morning sermons @ the Wesleyan Gospel Chapel (courtesy of some bandwidth on the Discovery Church website).

There it is, if you're interested. :)

(Check out the June 8th message. Angie Wimmer shares her testimony during the message and it's really quite inspiring.)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Homecoming, Saturday Night worship, and other stuff

The band was really tight tonight. After having played a number of years with these guys, it's really nice to hear it all come together. We had a pretty good turnout too for "Saturday Night ALIVE!!" A number of the high school teens got dressed up for the Homecoming dance, but wanted to come and join us for worship before going over there. I thought that was pretty cool.

Need to get to bed. It's late and I have to collect my thoughts so I can preach a coherent sermon tomorrow. (Oh, look... there's another one...)


Friday, August 10, 2007

Here we go... again!


This thing has set vacant for the past year. Let's get it back up and running.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Taking the challenges personally...

One of the hardest things about any form of ministry and/or dealing with people and relationships on a daily basis... especially when a church is in the process of growing... is the inevitability of offending someone. Or more than one someone...

It seems that no matter what I do or say, or what I don't do or don't say, or what I don't do or don't say correctly, I'm going to inadvertently hurt someone's feelings.

And then they will believe I did it on purpose.

The honest truth is that 100 percent of the time, I didn't set out to hurt anyone.

Hazards of the job, I suppose... So then, how do I not allow it to affect me?

(I'm just trying to do the job the best I can as God leads me. I'm not sure that some folks believe that...)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Here we go!

The real question is: How many different blogs, newsgroups, online calendars, and web sites can I juggle?


More on that later...